Welcome to the FACS Course Catalog

Welcome to the Family and Consumer Sciences Course Catalog page. We trust that you will find this page useful in your search for information about our school's FACS program. On this page you will find the name of each course that is offered, and a description of that course. Please use the navigation menu to go back to the Academic Home page to check out the rest of Viola High School's other academic offerings.

Career Orientation

This one semester course is for students in the 7th grade, and focuses on work and career planning and why people work. Emphasis is given on positive attitudes, self-awareness, interests and aptitudes. Exploration of the 16 career clusters will give the student a broader understanding of career areas they may like, along with employment skills, finding a job, resume’ and applications, entrepreneur advantages and disadvantages, education alternatives and future planning of student careers. Upon completion of this course, students should have developed a general knowledge of careers and resources to help plan their future.

Family and Work Connections

This one semester course is for students in the 8th grade, and is designed to provide students with basic information and skills needed to function within a family and with peers. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to family and individual health, relationships, goals, communication, peer pressure, personal living space, wardrobe planning and garment care and construction, nutrition and food preparation. Upon completion of this course, students should have developed basic life skills to promote a positive lifestyle.

Family and Consumer Science

This course is for students in grades 9-12. This course is designed to provide students with basic information and skills needed to function effectively within the family and within a changing, complex society. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), family and individual health, relationships, arrangement of personal living space, wardrobe planning and selection, garment care and construction, selection of toys and age-appropriate play activities for children, health and safety procedures related to child care, nutrition and food selection, meal planning, preparation and service, home management, money management, use of credit and banking services, consumer education, computer use at home, in school and in the workplace, and career skills. Upon completion of this course, students should have developed basic life skills that promote a positive influence on the quality of life.

Child Development

This course is for students in grades 10-12. This course focuses on skills needed to guide the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of children. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to the study of children, pregnancy and prenatal development, birth and the newborn, types of growth and development, stages of growth and development, rights and responsibilities of parents and children, needs of children, factors influencing the behavior of children, selection of child-care services, health and safety of children, children with special needs, coping with crises, the effects of technology on child development, and careers related to the area of child development. Upon completion of this course, students should be prepared to care for and guide the development of a child through all stages of growth within a family, as a childcare professional or in other experiences with children.

Prerequisite: Family and Consumer Science

Clothing Management

This course is for students in grades 10-12. This course is designed to assist students in developing skills necessary for management of individual and family wardrobes, for decision making as a clothing consumer, and for understanding the role of clothing and textile industry in the economy. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to clothing selection, clothing needs of family members, wardrobe planning, clothing care, characteristics of natural and synthetic fibers, types of fabrics and fabric finishes, laws and regulations related to the clothing and textiles industry, use and care of basic sewing supplies and equipment, fabric selection, clothing construction techniques, jobs and careers in clothing and textiles, computer use in clothing and textiles, and effects of technology on the clothing and textiles industry. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to provide and maintain personal/family wardrobes to meet the needs of individuals. In addition, students should acquire skills needed for clothing and textiles occupations and develop a knowledge of the impact of technology on the clothing and textiles industry.

Prerequisite: Family and Consumer Science

Family Dynamics

This course is for students in grades 10-12. Family Dynamics focuses on the role of the family in helping individuals develop to their highest potential, in strengthening the community, and in addressing concerns of a global society. Emphasis is given to dynamics of family life, image dimensions of individuals and families, life relationships, responsible parenting, crisis management, resource management, civic responsibility, food and fitness, living environment, clothing and appearance, career planning, and new technologies and trends affecting families. Upon completion of this course, students should have an understanding of the impact of the family unit on an individual’s ability to function successfully in an increasingly complex society.

Prerequisite: Family and Consumer Science

Food and Nutrition

This course is for students in grades 10-12. Experiences in Food and Nutrition course focus on the development of skills needed to select, prepare, and serve food which meets nutritional needs of individuals and families. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to nutrition, weight control, the food consumer, the effect of technology on food and nutrition, microwave cookery, kitchen organization and equipment, safety and sanitation, menu planning, serving and eating food, food preparation, eating away from home, and job and career opportunities in the field of food and nutrition. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to apply sound nutritional practices which will have a positive effect on their health.

Prerequisite: Family and Consumer Science

Housing and Interior Design

This course is for students in grades 10-12. This course focuses on personal and family housing needs, options for meeting those needs, and the role of the housing industry in the economy. Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to housing needs of the individual and family, housing options, trends in housing, financial and legal commitments related to housing, home construction, art principles as applied to housing and interiors, selection, care and arrangement of home furnishings and appliances, energy conservation, jobs and career opportunities in housing and interior design, and the effect of technology on housing. Upon completion of this course, students should be prepared to make wise decisions in obtaining and maintaining personal and family shelter.

Prerequisite: Family and Consumer Science