High School

Welcome to the High School Academics Home Page

Welcome to the Viola High School Academic home page. We trust that you will find our academic pages useful in your search for information about our school and its academic programs. Please feel free to browse all of our pages using the navigation menu for the latest information concerning our high school academic programs.

The Grading Scale

The basis for marking and grading are outgrowths of the graded school, and the felt needed for information concerning status and progress of pupils. Grading gives information for pupil guidance and counseling, shows achievement of pupils in relation to others, assists in grouping, retention, transfer and grade placement, and informs parents of the progress of their children. It also helps administrators evaluate the effectiveness of the school program. A, B, C, D, F, I (Incomplete) and NC (No Credit) marking system will be employed. The grading policy will be based only upon academic objectives.

The grading scale for regular academic classes is based on the 4.0 GPA system as follows:

Letter Grade






Percentage Range





Below 60%







“Weighted Credit” or “Quality Points” for AP, IB and ADE Honors courses will be awarded only if the student completes the required testing.

Promotion of pupils will be by the teachers and principal when they feel the pupil is able to do the advanced work. This would generally mean that a student who is regular in attendance for the year and makes passing grades will be promoted.

Promotion policies will take into consideration the individual’s abilities (results of I.Q. and Achievement Tests), the school’s objectives and curriculum and social conditions of the next grade. All final grades shall be arrived at mathematically and shall be defendable. Academic grades shall not be lowered because of unsatisfactory conduct.

Grades are based on academic objectives only. Each teacher will base a percent (not to exceed 10%) of the student’s grade on effort and participation in class.

Class Rank

The School computer software will generate a class rank based on 100%. The computer will average all of the grades which have been entered into the system by student’s teachers. A student’s class rank will be based on this numerical average.

AP classes automatically receive weighted credit on the 100% scale for class rank (an additional 10%). – Act 2152 of 2005

Concurrent college credit classes must receive board approval to receive weighted credit on the 100% scale. (Any concurrent credit course offered through Ozarka College’s Mathematics, English, Science or Social Science department.)

Valedictorian and Salutatorian

The valedictorian is defined to be the student who has the highest numerical class rank. The salutatorian is defined to be the student with the 2nd highest numerical class rank. To be eligible for the valedictorian or salutatorian honors, students must have attended Viola School during at least one semester of their junior year and both semesters of their senior year. In addition, to be eligible for the valedictorian or salutatorian honors, a student must qualify as an honor student and also enroll in and complete two of the following three courses: Chemistry, Physics and/or AP Science.