Welcome to the Language Arts Course Catalog

Welcome to the Language Arts Course Catalog page. We trust that you will find this page useful in your search for information about our school's English/Language Arts program. On this page you will find the name of each course that is offered, and a description of that course. Please use the navigation menu to go back to the Academic Home page to check out the rest of Viola High School's other academic offerings.

English 7

7th grade English focuses on reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar. Students will read selected short stories, novels and poetry. Students will study the writing process with an emphasis on descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive, creative, and research writing. Vocabulary words are presented each week to grasp meaning and relevance. Students will practice grammar each day including mechanics, usage, sentence development and grammar skills.

English 8

8th grade English focuses on reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar. Students will read selected short stories, novels and poetry. Students will study the writing process with an emphasis on descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive, creative, and research writing. Vocabulary words are presented each week to grasp meaning and relevance. Students will practice grammar each day including mechanics, usage, sentence development and grammar skills.

English 9

Freshman English will concentrate on reaching the standards for development and refinement of basic skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing in a heterogeneous classroom setting. Units in literature will cover plot, conflict, characterization, point of view, setting and theme. Units in writing will cover narrative, expository and persuasive composition, with emphasis on mastering steps in the writing process. Language study will cover punctuation, spelling, vocabulary and usage. This course emphasizes an American humanities approach, which ties together literature, history, culture and the arts of the 20th century. Because the course uses an historical and humanities approach, the curriculum demands that students think, interpret and respond both globally and analytically. Students will complete at least one research paper, including in-text citations and works cited, on some aspect of American society. Course assignments include frequent compositions, projects and oral presentations for various purposes and audiences. Students will read major works of American literature, such as novels, plays, short stories and poetry, in addition to selected excerpts from an American literature text.

Pre AP English 10

Students are given the opportunity to improve and practice skills that will enable them to be successful in AP classes. Pre-AP classes will expose students to the type of activities and expectations required by the AP program and lay the groundwork and foundation for success not only in later AP classes, but ultimately in college course work as well. They also foster organizational skills and study habits that provide excellent preparation for college.

English 10

Sophomore English is designed to give students an opportunity to sample literature in its many forms: short stories, poetry, drama, novels and non-fiction. Students are given the opportunity to hone necessary English skills through the study of a wide range of literature. Through the exploration of works from different genres, cultures and time periods, students learn universal truths and begin to recognize connections between literature and life. The emphasis on the development of reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills will prepare students for higher level courses at high school and university. Expository and creative writing assignments and dramatic and oral presentations are among the activities through which these skills will be developed. Reading instruction focuses on using explicit and implicit information to evaluate informational text; on the ways in which character development and connections to politics, history and culture contribute to great literature; and on more complex figurative language, including simile, metaphor, pun, symbolism and personification. Writing focuses on analysis and interpretation of multiple ideas and perspectives to extend thinking through writing. Skills in analytical evaluation and assessment of writing and further nuanced and editing skills are specific and clearly delineated. Inquiry skills are focused on synthesizing information in preparation for presenting research results. To ensure success in the final and more focused years of English study, as well as exhibit more mastery of the requirements of English for the academic expectations of college-bound students and for the ability to efficiently and effectively function in an English speaking society, this course reinforces not only the skills for stronger reading and writing, but also develops deeper reasoning and analytical skills needed for both.

AP English 11

AP English Literature and Composition engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style and themes, as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism and tone. The course includes intensive study of representative works from various genres and periods, concentrating on works of recognized literary merit.

Students in this class will prepare for and take the AP English Literature and Composition Exam.

Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in Pre AP English 10

English 11

Junior English is a full year course which concentrates on skills in vocabulary, grammar, composition and American literature. The objective is to enhance composition skills, grammar activities, sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, verbals, phrases and clauses. Students study all stages of the writing process, including free writing, personal journals, persuasion, narration, exposition, literacy analysis, essay writing and research. Selections in American literature from the colonial era to the present broaden the students’ understanding of trends in thought and style which parallel the development of American society and government.

English 12

Senior English is a full year course which emphasizes the literature of England and the great works of English writers, as well as a limited selection of world masterpieces in literature. A review of grammar accentuates and enriches composition skills. Expressive writing, mastery of the structured essay, vocabulary activities and the research process complement the students’ communication effectiveness.

ENGL 1013: English Composition I

This course is for students in the 12th grade. This one semester course emphasizes the writing of a variety of well-organized and well-developed essays which show a command of grammar, mechanics and diction. Students must make a C or better to progress to English Composition II.

You must pay tuition to Ozarka College for this course and must have a semester average of C or better to receive college credit. This course is worth 3 college credits.

Prerequisite: A placement score of 19 on the writing portion of ACT; or 45 on the writing portion and a 43 on the reading portion of ASSET; or an 80 on the writing portion and an 82 on the reading portion of the COMPASS

ENGL 1023: English Composition II

This course is for students in the 12th grade. A continuation of ENGL 1013, this one semester course places emphasis on skills such as paraphrasing, analyzing, summarizing and synthesizing the writing of others and using these skills in developing a formal documented research paper and argumentative research essays. Mastery of grammar, mechanics and diction is stressed. Students must make a C or better to complete the English requirement.

You must pay tuition to Ozarka College for this course and must have a semester average of C or better to receive college credit. This course is worth an additional 3 college credits.

Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in ENGL 1013: English Composition I


This full year course is for grades 9-12. Journalism is a timely reporting of events at the local, state, national and international levels. Reporting involves the gathering of information through interviewing and research, the results of which are turned into a fair and balanced story for publication or for television or radio broadcast. The goal of education in journalism is for students to become analytical consumers of media and technology to enhance their communication skills. Writing, technology and visual and electronic media are used as tools for learning as students create, clarify, critique, write and produce effective communications.

Oral Communications

This course is for students in the grades 11 and 12. This course teaches basic principles of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication; explores the research, development and delivery of information; persuasive and process speeches; and introduces debate and parliamentary procedure. The goal of this course is to help students become more effective communicators and gain the skills to express ideas, become effective listeners and to present information. This course is offered in both one semester and two semester blocks