Viola High School juniors will be taking the ACT® at no cost to them on February 23, 2021. In December, a form allowing Viola Public Schools and ACT® to share test scores with colleges or universities based on the designation of recipients that students will choose in the pre-test session was mailed to student's homes, and also recently handed out to students. This form must be filled out by student's parents and returned to school as soon as possible. If we do not have this form on file prior to the pre-test session, ACT® will not be able to share the test scores, which could delay a student's acceptance into the college or university of their choice. If you did not receive this form, or if you have any further questions, please call 870-458-2213, and request to speak to Mrs. Regina Snelgroes or Mr. Kevin Thrasher.
ACT Score Sharing Form Due
January 6, 2021